Hi there 👋

My name is Piotr Wittchen. I am the software developer from Poland. I create software for mobile devices, servers, web and Linux. I graduated with MS and Engineering degree in Computer Science from the Silesian University of Technology and worked with large corporations, medium-sized software houses and small startups. I contribute to open-source projects and from time to time give talks related to software development at the conferences and meetups. Moreover, I publish technical articles. To check my tools and work environment, visit my setup page. If you would like to contact me, ask me about something, start cooperation or just say hello, send me an email!

Dynamic wallpaper for i3

Some time ago, I was using macOS. The thing I liked about this OS since Mojave version was the dynamic wallpaper feature. Wallpaper representing picture of the Mojave desert in California was dynamically changing during the day. In the morning, we could see the dawn and sunrise, later picture during the midday, in the evening, desert during the dusk and finally picture at night. I liked the fact that wallpaper were adjusting to the time of the day. I wanted to have the same thing on my Linux. Luckily, on Arch and i3, it’s pretty easy to achieve. ...

March 29, 2020 · 3 min · 438 words · Piotr Wittchen

Spotify song in i3 status bar

While customizing my i3 status bar, I wanted to have currently played Spotify song in it. Some time ago, I created an open source script in Python called spotify-cli-linux and I wanted to use it. When we want to put something custom into the i3 status bar, the easiest way to do it, is to save data into the file and then read the file. I created the following config inside ~/.config/i3status/config file: ...

February 20, 2020 · 3 min · 546 words · Piotr Wittchen

I switched to i3 WM

Introduction From a long time I wanted to try lightweight WM (Window Manager) for Linux. I installed i3 once a few years ago, but I had no idea how to use it, so I just closed this thing and got back to Gnome. Recently, I watched several videos and tutorials about Linux and i3 on youtube, which helped me to learn this WM, how it works and how to use it. I also read some part of docs and user’s guide to customize my configuration. Official docs of i3 are really good. ...

February 16, 2020 · 16 min · 3390 words · Piotr Wittchen

GitHub Actions in action!

Recently GitHub introduced really interesting feature to their service called Actions. Actions can be used for automating various tasks related to the repositories like CI, CD, testing, deployment and whatnot. The general concept is as follows: We can create so called action, which can be based on a JavaScript project or a Docker container. We can also use existing actions in the Marketplace. Next, we can create workflow in the yml file, where we define our workflow. Workflow can consist of on a job with many steps using different actions. We can also define multiple jobs, where one depends on another. Workflows can be triggered in many ways. E.g. by push, pull request, creating issue, publishing release, scheduled event or external event. ...

November 4, 2019 · 4 min · 740 words · Piotr Wittchen

Fixing font rendering on Firefox and Arch Linux

After the recent Firefox update (70.0.1 64-bit), I’ve got a problem with font rendering on Arch Linux. I’ve installed this update probably on 31.10.2019 or 01.11.2019 (I’m not exactly sure right now). On several pages (e.g. Facebook or Github) fonts weren’t rendered correctly. It looked like fonts without anti-aliasing what was quite ugly. I figured out that I can go to the Firefox Settings and in the “Fonts and Colors” section, go to “Advanced” and turn off the option “Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of your selection above”. It fixes problem with ugly fonts on several websites, but rest of the websites is not able to render the right fonts. E.g. when you have website with custom fonts from fonts.google.com (like this website). That’s why I couldn’t proceed with this solution. ...

November 1, 2019 · 2 min · 240 words · Piotr Wittchen