Learning python

Some time ago, I’ve decided to learn Python programming language. I thought it may be useful during performing some basic tasks in the system and Linux or Windows scripting. Moreover, it’s good language for developing web applications with frameworks like Django, Flask or Bottle. I’ve decided to go through all of the tasks in the Learn Python - The Hard Way course. Basic tasks weren’t surprising. They were similar to other object oriented languages....

September 1, 2015 · 2 min · 325 words · Piotr Wittchen

Gnome Classic desktop environment on Ubuntu

Introduction I was tired of non-minimal and quite slow Unity desktop environment. Of course, I performed a few tricks to make Unity faster, but still I wasn’t satisfied enough. I checked out different desktop environments. I wanted to have clean, minimal and productive environment. I like top panel from Unity as well as HUD and many workspaces. The last thing is quite common among different desktop environments. New desktop environment I decided to choose Gnome classic....

August 23, 2015 · 3 min · 522 words · Piotr Wittchen

Learning Android and being up to date

Recently a few people asked me, what are my methods for gathering knowledge and being up to date with all news connected with Android. I didn’t really think about that. I just grabbed all knowledge from a various places and then tried to use it in practice. I decided to sum everything up and create a collection of my knowledge resources. Of course, we are not able to use all of that every day, because it’s too much, but it’s good to know where we can find something interesting....

August 22, 2015 · 4 min · 673 words · Piotr Wittchen

Introducing ReactiveNetwork

I’ve recently released ReactiveNetwork. It is an open-source Android library listening network connection state and change of the WiFi signal strength with RxJava Observables. It’s a successor of Network Events library rewritten with Reactive Programming approach. Library is compatible with RxJava 1.0.+ and RxAndroid 1.0.+ and uses them under the hood. Min Android SDK version is 9. JavaDoc can be found at: http://pwittchen.github.io/ReactiveNetwork. Repository is available at: https://github.com/pwittchen/ReactiveNetwork. This library is much simpler and easier to use than NetworkEvents....

August 10, 2015 · 2 min · 336 words · Piotr Wittchen

Releasing prefser 2.0.0

I’ve recently released Prefser library v. 2.0.0. Prefser is a wrapper for Android SharedPreferences with object serialization and RxJava Observables. This update couldn’t be done without help of awesome open-source community and people who reported new issues and created pull requests. Thanks for that! A lot of issues related to RxJava was fixed. Moreover, now we can store and retrieve lists of objects of any type with Prefser. Examples of library usage can be found in README....

August 6, 2015 · 1 min · 191 words · Piotr Wittchen