Thanks to @BugsBunnyBR I released new version of ReactiveBeacons library with the RxJava2.x support. It’s an Android library scanning BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) beacons nearby with RxJava Observables. I also kept backward compatibility with RxJava1.x. Different versions of the libraries are located on the separate git branches. It’s a similar approach to original RxJava project. I have separate builds on Travis CI, separate artifacts and JavaDocs. Such approach generates more overhead, but in such case, RxJava1.x can be kept in a maintenance mode and RxJava2.x can be a subject of the future development. What has been done in this version?

  • migrated library to RxJava2.x on RxJava2.x branch and released it as reactivebeacons-rx2 artifact
  • kept library compatible with RxJava1.x on a RxJava1.x branch and released it as reactivebeacons artifact
  • removed master branch
  • bumped library dependencies
  • added permission annotations
  • organized Gradle configuration
  • transformed instrumentation unit tests to pure java unit tests
  • started executing unit tests on Travis CI server
  • created separate JavaDoc for RxJava1.x and RxJava2.x

If you want to add RxJava2.x version to your Android project, add the following dependency to build.gradle file:

dependencies {
  compile 'com.github.pwittchen:reactivebeacons-rx2:0.6.0'

For RxJava1.x you can use old artifact id:

dependencies {
  compile 'com.github.pwittchen:reactivebeacons:0.6.0'

This library was one of the first experiments with my migrations to RxJava2.x. I have plans to migrate rest of my libraries soon. Thanks to the awesome open-source community on GitHub, this process goes faster and I don’t have to do everything by myself.