In the latest release of ReactiveNetwork library, I focused on Walled Garden AKA Great Firewall support during checking Internet connectivity. There are countries with limited Internet access like China and in such cases, pinging commonly known host like may have different results than in other countries because it may be blocked. We may get false positive results because users will generally have an access to the Internet, but they don’t have access only to several websites. To solve that problem, I created WalledGardenInternetObservingStrategy and made it default strategy for checking Internet connectivity inside the library. Of course, you can still use SocketInternetObservingStrategy if you want to. Detailed release notes are as follows: RxJava1.x

  • added WalledGardenInternetObservingStrategy - fixes #116
  • made WalledGardenInternetObservingStrategy a default strategy for checking Internet connectivity
  • added documentation for NetworkObservingStrategy - solves #197
  • added documentation for InternetObservingStrategy - solves #198
  • bumped Kotlin version to 1.1.3-2
  • bumped Gradle Android Tools version to 2.3.3
  • bumped Retrolambda to 3.7.0


  • added WalledGardenInternetObservingStrategy - fixes #116
  • made WalledGardenInternetObservingStrategy a default strategy for checking Internet connectivity
  • added documentation for NetworkObservingStrategy - solves #197
  • added documentation for InternetObservingStrategy - solves #198
  • fixed package name in AndroidManifest.xml file - solves #195
  • bumped RxJava2 version to 2.1.2
  • bumped Kotlin version to 1.1.3-2
  • bumped Gradle Android Tools version to 2.3.3
  • bumped Retrolambda to 3.7.0
  • increased code coverage with unit tests

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Happy coding!