I just released tmux-auto-pane. It’s a tiny shell script for creating pre-defined tile layouts in Tmux on Linux with xdotool. In our workflow, we often have some pre-defined pane configurations in a terminal. The project called tmux-auto-pane helps to automate that process. It can save us some time and make us a bit more productive. We can call tmux-auto-pane with one of the following parameters:

--help | -h   showing help
--1l1r        one left, one right
--1l2r        one left, two right
--2l1r        two left, one right
--1u1d        one up, one down
--1u2d        on up, two down
--2u1d        two up, one down
--4tiles      4 tiles, 1 in each corner

for example tmux-auto-pane --4tiles will generate such layout:

 ____ ____
|    |    |
|    |    |

we can also have the following layouts:

    1l1r         1l2r         2l1r         1u1d        1u2d         2u1d
 ____ ____    ____ ____    ____ ____    _________    _________    ____ ____
|    |    |  |    |    |  |    |    |  |         |  |         |  |    |    |
|    |    |  |    |____|  |____|    |  |_________|  |____ ____|  |____|____|
|    |    |  |    |    |  |    |    |  |         |  |    |    |  |         |
|____|____|  |____|____|  |____|____|  |_________|  |____|____|  |_________|

Script can be installed via wget:

sh -c "$(wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pwittchen/tmux-auto-pane/master/install.sh -O -)"

or via curl:

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pwittchen/tmux-auto-pane/master/install.sh)"

Due to the fact, that tmux-auto-pane uses xdotool under the hood, unfortunately it works only with Linux right now. It can be improved in the future to work with macOS as well. Source of the project can be found at https://github.com/pwittchen/tmux-auto-pane. This project could be extended to start specific applications in each pane. Maybe, I’ll improve it in the future, so users could parametrize their custom applications. I hope Tmux & Linux users will find it useful :).