Creating a fat AAR

I recently wrote a new library called NeuroSky Android SDK. It’s used for writing Android apps using signals of the brain waves received from the NeuroSky MindWave Mobile headsets. Probably I’ll write a separate article about it because it’s quite interesting topic. This library uses ThinkGear library, which is distributed by the NeuroSky as a *.jar file, so I couldn’t use it as a Gradle or Maven dependency in my project and I had to put this *....

October 2, 2018 · 3 min · 470 words · Piotr Wittchen

Writing my first library in Kotlin

Introduction Recently, I decided to create a tiny Android library called RxBattery, which is monitoring battery state of the device with RxJava and RxKotlin. I created a few Java and Android libraries already and this time I decided to use Kotlin programming language instead of Java to learn something new and write something more complicated than “Hello World” app. Here are my observations. Build System I used Gradle to build the project....

August 19, 2018 · 9 min · 1804 words · Piotr Wittchen

Solving problems with AVD and KVM on Linux

I installed Android SDK and Android Studio on my new ThinkPad T470s with Ubuntu Linux 18.04.1 LTS. As usual, I wanted to create a new Android phone emulator called AVD (Android Virtual Device). I was able to create a new device, but unfortunately I encoutered problems. After opening AVD window, I saw the error message… /dev/kvm is not found KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) is a full virtualization solution for Linux on x86 hardware containing virtualization extensions (Intel VT or AMD-V)....

August 16, 2018 · 2 min · 318 words · Piotr Wittchen

Releasing ReactiveNetwork v. 1.0.0 (paying the technical debt)

Today, I’ve released next version of my most popular open-source project - ReactiveNetwork. I’ve released version 0.12.4 for RxJava1.x and version 1.0.0 for RxJava2.x. Please note, RxJava1.x is no longer officially supported and I’m going to follow the same approach in my RxJava-based projects. It’s not the first release of this project, but I’m breaking the API and removing existing methods, so I decided to stick to proper versioning standard. I didn’t always do it properly in the past, but it’s never too late....

June 24, 2018 · 3 min · 505 words · Piotr Wittchen

Debugging Google Pixel 2

I recently destroyed my good old Nexus 6 phone. It’s still working, but display screen is broken. Due to this fact, I’ve had an excuse to buy new Pixel 2 phone. It’s pretty expansive, but its quality is really good. As usual, I wanted to debug an app on this device and encountered problem related to device permissions. Once I connected the phone, to my laptop and typed adb devices, I’ve seen the following message:...

June 20, 2018 · 2 min · 287 words · Piotr Wittchen