Releasing ReactiveNetwork v. 1.0.0 (paying the technical debt)

Today, I’ve released next version of my most popular open-source project - ReactiveNetwork. I’ve released version 0.12.4 for RxJava1.x and version 1.0.0 for RxJava2.x. Please note, RxJava1.x is no longer officially supported and I’m going to follow the same approach in my RxJava-based projects. It’s not the first release of this project, but I’m breaking the API and removing existing methods, so I decided to stick to proper versioning standard. I didn’t always do it properly in the past, but it’s never too late....

June 24, 2018 · 3 min · 505 words · Piotr Wittchen

DroidCon Poland 2017 - Is your app really connected?

Yesterday, I gave a presentation about connectivity in the Android apps during the DroidCon Poland 2017 Conference in Kraków. Below, you can see slides from this presentation. View slides on SpeakerDeck There’s also tweet related to this presentation from DroidCon Kraków: Piotr Wittchen tells us about how we can we keep the track of network 🌎 or Internet connectivity changes in our app 📱🆘🙂 — droidcon Kraków (@droidconkr) December 2, 2017 I hope, you enjoyed it....

December 2, 2017 · 1 min · 103 words · Piotr Wittchen

Introducing ReactiveAirplaneMode

I’m continuing Rxfication of the Android. Recently I released brand new library called ReactiveAirplaneMode. As you may guess, it allows listening Airplane mode on Android device with RxJava observables. A usual I’ve hidden all implementation details, BroadcastReceivers and rest of the Android related stuff behind RxJava abstraction layer, so API is really simple. Just take a look on that: ReactiveAirplaneMode.create() .observe(context) .subscribeOn( .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe(isOn -> textView.setText(String.format("Airplane mode on: %s", isOn.toString()))); In the code above subscriber will be notified only when airplane mode changes....

August 15, 2017 · 1 min · 198 words · Piotr Wittchen

Releasing ReactiveNetwork v. 0.11.0

In the latest release of ReactiveNetwork library, I focused on Walled Garden AKA Great Firewall support during checking Internet connectivity. There are countries with limited Internet access like China and in such cases, pinging commonly known host like may have different results than in other countries because it may be blocked. We may get false positive results because users will generally have an access to the Internet, but they don’t have access only to several websites....

August 6, 2017 · 2 min · 228 words · Piotr Wittchen

Releasing ReactiveNetwork v. 0.10.0

I’ve recently released ReactiveNetwork library v. 0.10.0 for RxJava1.x and RxJava2.x. ReactiveNetwork is an Android library listening network connection state and Internet connectivity with RxJava Observables, which I’m developing for approximately 2 years now. In this version, I’ve done a few bug fixes and added new features for RxJava2.x version. Below, you can find the release notes: Release for RxJava1.x bumped RxJava1 version to 1.3.0 bumped test dependencies created Code of Conduct updated Kotlin version in sample apps added retrolambda to the sample Java app - issue #163 fixed behavior of network observing in disconnected state - issue #159 Release for RxJava2....

July 20, 2017 · 2 min · 306 words · Piotr Wittchen