Learning python

Some time ago, I’ve decided to learn Python programming language. I thought it may be useful during performing some basic tasks in the system and Linux or Windows scripting. Moreover, it’s good language for developing web applications with frameworks like Django, Flask or Bottle. I’ve decided to go through all of the tasks in the Learn Python - The Hard Way course. Basic tasks weren’t surprising. They were similar to other object oriented languages....

September 1, 2015 · 2 min · 325 words · Piotr Wittchen

Checking consistency of git branches

Recently I’ve created a simple Python script, which checks whether ‘development’ branch has all changes from ‘master’ branch in a Git repository. It’s important when we work in a Git Flow. Branch inconsistency may occur when change with hot-fix will be committed to ‘master’ branch and we forget to merge ‘master’ branch back to ‘development’ branch to have our hot-fix in a ‘development’ version of the project as well. We should keep branch consistency to avoid merge conflicts and problems with release of the project in the future....

May 14, 2015 · 1 min · 193 words · Piotr Wittchen

Android resource converter

In international projects sometimes there’s a need to send resource files to the client in order to have translated strings. Client doesn’t have to understand XML notation and editing two or more files at the same time is inconvenient. It’s easier to send file which can be edited in MS Excel or Libre Office Calc. I’ve created Python scripts, which are able to convert Android xml resources with translations to a single *....

January 17, 2015 · 1 min · 155 words · Piotr Wittchen